CHADD(Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is the nation’s leading non-profit organization serving individuals with AD/HD. Chock full of resources including papers, guides, latest findings, much more.
CHADD(Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) - the nation’s leading non-profit organization serving individuals with AD/HD. Chock full of resources including papers, guides, latest findings, much more.
ADD Resources A non-profit that provides quality information, resources, and support to help you achieve full potential.
Edge Foundation A non-profit foundation providing access to qualified, professional coaches for students with ADHD as part of their multi-modal treatment program.
Think:Kids Challenging kids lack the skill, not the will, to behave well – provides specifically skills related to problem solving, flexibility and frustration tolerance. Unlike traditional models of discipline, their approach avoids the use of power, control and motivational procedures.
Lives in the Balance Founded by child psychologist Dr. Ross Greene, author of The Explosive Child and Lost at School, and originator of the Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) approach. Hope, compassion, support, and help for behaviorally challenging kids and their caregivers.
Child Mind Institute. Good for teens, too. Type in ADHD in their search box. Highly regarded clinicians and scientists on a dynamic, interactive site.
Healthline cited these as the best ADD/ADHD blogs today:
Overall: CHADD Leadership Blog - From leaders in the ADD world, updates on the latest issues. About.Com/ADD - A great primer, frequently updated and loaded with info. ADDerWorld- Best selling author Bryan Hutchinson keeps you positive with practical advice.
For Adults: ADHD Management - Funny, casual and chock full of practical and up-to-date info.
For Parents & Kids: 4 ADHD - Particularly good for latest info, policies, research and news. ADDitude's Ask the Experts - Get your questions answered by psychologists and therapists. A Mom's View of ADD - Run by parents, you're invited to join in this candid and practical site. ADD Mom - By an ADD Mom who is also an ADD Coach with 3 ADD children. ADDitude's Parenting Blog - Blunt, refreshing, and written with humor and understanding. Charlotte's ADD Web- From the ADHD trenches, by a mom with a hyper son, charming and funny. Dr. Ferrari's ADHD Blog- Practical tips for parents with ADHD kids.
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